All full-time teachers of law and clinical law attached to the following institutions are ordinary members of the Society unless they advise the Honorary Secretary in writing that they do not wish to be members:
University of Cape Town;
University of Botswana;
University of Kwazulu-Natal;
University of the Free State;
University of Fort Hare;
Nelson Mandela University;
University of Limpopo;
North West University;
University of Pretoria;
University of Johannesburg;
Rhodes University;
University of South Africa;
University of Stellenbosch;
Walter Sisulu University;
The IIE Varsity College;
University of Venda;
University of the Western Cape;
University of the Witwatersrand;
University of Zambia; and
University of Zululand
Any person who does not qualify for ordinary membership may apply to the Honorary Secretary to be admitted as an associate member and such application shall be decided upon by the Council. Honorary membership may be acquired by a person after a general meeting invites him or her on the recommendation of Council on the grounds of extraordinary service in the research and teaching of law to become an honorary member and he or she accepts the invitation.